Remote Working, Should We Promote It? Remote working is on the rise. This has been feasible for a few decades with some companies. This is a working style that allows professionals to work outside the traditional office environment. This concept is based on the work does not need to be carried out on a specific place. Some companies promote working from home concept while the rest of the companies do not want to. When we look at the background of the companies who promote remote working; most of them are the tech companies. There are both pros and cons of remote working for both parties (Employer & the Employee) According to Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of job platform FlexJobs; some people elaborate productivity as: "A lot of employers are relying on the antiquated view that if somebody shows up at 8:30 a.m. and they're dressed nicely, on time and physically in the office all day long, they're productive,” (DesMarais, 2015) Further, she says. ...