Human Resource Management Styles differ from a company to another.
But when it comes to a certain region the HRM practices of that region are
almost the same. There could be slight differences.
As an example the American Style of HRM & the Japanese
Style of HRM is totally different.
When it comes to the Japanese Practices of HRM; The core of
the Japanese HRM depends on job security (Moriguchi, 2014) . Consultative
decision-making practices, higher frequency of communication, lifetime
employment, long-term planning horizons, generalist career paths, quality
control circles and etc.
America doesn't have strict regulations when compared to
Japan labour employment conditions in Japan are very much regulated and
controlled by the government. This is due in part to the fact that Japan is one
of the most uncertainty avoiding countries. They dislike uncertainty and
everything must be in good control without any uncertain occurring. As such,
this is the need for many specific standards and limits in the form of exact
figures to avoid ambiguity and confusion.
Sri Lankan Style of Human Resource Management is a mixture
of all of these. As a developing country, Sri Lankans face many problems in
HRM. Issues such as poverty, unemployment and ethnic tensions are some of
them. Therefore it is a need to support people outside the organisation and
protect the environment as well.
But most of the Sri Lankan employees don’t like their
HR departments and there are few common complaints against them:
- HR has only the management's interests in mind.
- No proper downward communication
- Hide most of the issues until the last minute.
- Still looks at the employees just like a cost instead of a resource.
Happy employees are more also resilient and according to Gallup, are more likely to stay with their employers for the long term.
Furthermore, happy employees make it a point to show up to work and do more work. They find it easier to go above and beyond what is expected of them and put in those precious overtime hours.
Therefore, Sri Lankan HRM has to be improved further to make their employees happier.
BOOKBINDER, D., 2018. Is
Happiness the Secret to Engagement?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 June 2019].
Available at:
[Accessed 08 June 2019].
Moriguchi, C., 2014. Japanese-Style Human Resource
Management and Its Historical Origins, s.l.: Hitotsubashi University.
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